Thursday, December 18, 2008

You've Been Hacked

Yes, folks that is right, hacked! I have hacked into my husbands blog because it annoys me so bad that he hasn't posted in months. He is quite the blogger let me tell you. Travis is official. He passed his journeymans test and is a journeyman electrician now. He even got his first apprentice this week. Yahoo! It is about bloody time. Exactly what I was thinking. He is awesome at what he does and on most days he loves it. I am so proud of his hard work.
Due to protruding bellies (mine mostly) we stayed here for Thanksgiving. Travis's dad came over and brought the turkey and stuffing. The Thanksgiving feast is a lot of friggin' work just to bloat yourself until you vomit. Or could it be because I am nine months prego? We will be hanging out here for Christmas just incase Addison decides it is time to come.
Now you all know Travis, I am positive he would post about all of this exciting stuff. It is our anniversary today. Nine years people. Can you believe it? I can't but I know it has been a great journey so far and I look forward to many more. (Now being nine months pregnant I am a little witchy to say the least. So Trav may want to sell me at this point) We are carrying on our usual anniversary tradition this year as well. We aren't going to do a jacking thing.
Now, for the baby part of this blog. I went into the doctor on Tuesday. I'm not dialated but a fingertip, she is high, and my cervix is thick. Wow is this Kamille all over again? I am not too upset this go though probably for several reasons. This is my last pregnancy, I don't have anyone to get the kids to school this week, and did I mention the holidays. I will continue to hobble around the house and moan and groan everytime I bend over to pick something up. I am absolutely sure I will probably not snap out of the "witchy" stage until relieve comes. So for now, take your sweet, precious time Addison. I will probably post again unless Travis changes his password so I can't hack his personal blog anymore.


P.S. Did I mention we were naming the baby Addison Paige Gregory. Just an added bonus.